What are LifeGroups?
LifeGroups are for
Friends: Get Connected to people in the context of community
Food: Enjoy a meal together.
Faith: Be part of some discussion on spiritual matters
Family: Pray for one another & live out the one another together
Fun: Have FUN!!
Join a LifeGroup
6:30pm – 8:30pm
Off Campus: Joyce Station
6:15pm – 8:15pm
SFU Campus
6:30pm – 8:30pm
Morning Mommas
10am – 11:30am
6:30pm – 8:30pm
SFU Campus
6:30pm – 8:30pm

Why Join LifeGroup?
1. It connects you with God’s Family.
Most people who attend LifeGroups say that the greatest benefit that they receive is the close relationship and friendships that develop. You’ll discover that you are not alone in your needs and problems, as others face the same difficulties, or have lived through them.
The new testament refers to ’one another’ over fifty times to describe our relationship with other believers. We are instructed to LOVE one another, bear one another’s burdens, pray for one another, and build up one another. A huge way you can fulfill these commands is through being in a LifeGroup!
2.You’ll understand the Bible better.
If you’ve ever heard a sermon you’ll know that you sometimes want to stop the teacher and say “but what if” or “what about”. Preaching and teaching is a one-way communication technique. The teacher preaches and you listen. This is great in imparting knowledge but is not very effective in answering questions or query’s you may have! A LifeGroup is the perfect place of interactive discussion to take place. In a LifeGroup setting you can ask questions, participate in discussion and share insights or illustrations of the truth. The Bible must be applied to your own situations and that happens best in a LifeGroup.
3. Prayer will be more meaningful for you.
Many people are scared to pray in front of others. In a LifeGroup of 6 to 12 you will have the chance to pray by having a conversation with God and your family. No one is ever pressured to Pray but you will become ore comfortable in praying for and with others. There are many promises in the Bible related to group prayer. In praying together with a few others, we are drawn together and we find answers to the needs in our lives together.
4. You will handle stress and pressure better.
LifeGroup’s provide excellent support in times of crisis, change and stress. It helps in your sense of stability and security knowing that there are people who really care for you and are committed to standing with you. Many people in church will testify that if it hadn’t been for the support of their LifeGroup, through prayer, loving and serving, they would not have made it through a difficult time.
5. You will develop leadership skills.
The Bible teaches that every believer is given ‘gifts’ to benefit Gods family. Unfortunately many Christians stay ‘Sunday spectators’ primarily ‘sitting and listening’. In a LifeGroup you can share and participate in a relaxed setting, helping you grow in confidence and self-esteem. This will help you at work, at church, and in your relationships.
6. You will be a New Testament Christian
In the Book of Acts it is very clear that God intends for his people to grow and have their needs met in the church. As a church we will never be able to hire enough pastors to tend to all the individual needs in our family. God never intended it to be that way!