Meet the Teams
Host Team
We commit to ensuring that each person who enters our church feels greeted, welcomed, seen and connected, mirroring the hospitality of the gospel.
Finance Team
The finance team is the steward of the church to manage and utilize the faithful giving to Love God, Love People and Serve All.
Our team aims to create community with SFU students through relatable and engaging activities that build trust and meaningful relationships, and reveal the works of God in our lives and communities.
Prayer Team
The Point Prayer Team seeks to support, encourage, and build up the Point Church and its ministries through intentional, intercessory prayer as we seek to Love God, Love People, and Serve All.
Music Team
The Music Team commits to leading our community in musical worship, as we commit to living worshipfully and sacrificially. To that end, the music team commits to developing our musical talents and our personal devotion to God.
Outreach Team
Our mission as the Outreach team to be responsive to the needs of our brothers and sisters in our community. Through our love for God, we are committed to being good stewards of the time, money, and gifts God has given us to serve those in need on and off Burnaby mountain.
Set Up & AV Team
Our mission as the Point set-up/take-down team is to constantly provide a familiar atmosphere for the worship of God. We are committed to ensuring that God’s people are able to commune together in a safe and welcoming environment where their faith can grow through the clear and audible hearing of worship songs and Bible teaching. We are also committed to remaining good stewards of the resources God has provided for the building of his Church, and as such we take seriously the task of maintaining the equipment in our care.
PointKids Team
PointKids seeks to see children come to KNOW Christ, GROW in their faith as they grow up, GO in the power of the Holy Spirit, and SHOW the love of God wherever they go.