At The Point we believe Jesus calls us to Serve All. To serve God, the church, the community, and the world, using the gifts that God has given us. We believe one of the ways to do this is by being involved in one of our Serve Teams. There is a place for you to serve, try one out. We have a Justice Team, Celebration Team (Music, Drama, AV, Setup & Hosting) , Community Team , Administration Team, PointKids & the ReachOut Team.
Social and Environmental Justice Team
Team Vision
Bring about Jesus’s Kingdom Values on earth by; Seeking justice through speaking up, protecting the oppressed and caring for the environment, Showing Jesus’s love through care for the hungry, naked, homeless, sick, prisoners and the earth.
This team offers many exciting opportunities. While we are already involved in a few areas we believe God has greater things planned. We looking to build the team based on a strong biblical mandate of: Justice and care for people and the environment. Bring about Kingdom values by Seek justice and loosing the chains of injustice, speak up and protect the oppressed and caring for the environment, defending the orphan, pleading for the widow. While showing our care by sharing our food, providing shelter, clothing the naked, healing and providing for the sick, prisoners and the environment. Seeking to engender hope in a world looking for true hope. (Isaiah 1:17; 58:1-11, Prov 31:8-9, Jeremiah 22:15-16, Ezekiel 22:29-30, Matt 11:4-5, Matt 25:31-46, Luke 4:17)
As a team member you will help build up the team and get innovative projects going.
Celebration Team
Team Vision
The Celebration Team is a group of volunteers who help create and lead The Point in a time of Loving God through the arts at our weekly gatherings, so that all who attend will go deeper into worship and knowing more about Jesus. The Celebration Team is made up of the Music, Drama, Audio and Visual Arts, Setup, and Host teams.
The Celebration Team is responsible for creating an environment that is comfortable and disarming to all so they will be more open to being faced with the truth of Jesus during the weekly experiences. Meeting with Jesus is the most important thing anyone can ever do. Every person matters to us because every person matters to Jesus. We can blow people away with technology, creativity and all the cool stuff at our church, but there is no replacement for the impact that you can make on other people. Everyone who enters The Point is our guest.
As a team member you will serve in one or more of the areas mentioned above while having a great time!
Community Team
Team Vision
The Community Team vision is to develop community through loving people within The Point, through fellowship in LifeGroups or some other Point community activity. We believe that LifeGroups are the place where The Point community can build on Loving People as well as Loving God and Serving All.
Community organizes various fellowship events to build connection within the Church body and help individuals grow in their spiritual journey. Team members are involved in organizing Life Groups, Community & Welcome BBQ’s, Connect evenings, PointMen, PointLadies, PointCouples and PointSingles, LifeGroup Serve Roster and the 5min Party.
As a team member you can serve by facilitating a LifeGroup or helping to organise and/or coordinate community events!
Administration Team
Team Vision
To serve The Point and Community by provide the highest quality communication possible, ensuring relations are followed up and valued and keeping a high standard of Administrative record keeping. We will achieve this by using technology, the arts, being creative, having fun and continuing try to get better.
This team is the day to day running of The Point. If you have a gifting in communication (writing newletters, websites, poster designs, powerpoint designs), relations (followup, bday cards), administration (church library, finances, budget, minutes and other admin) this is the team for you.
As a team member you will serve by getting involved in one or more the above areas of the COMRAD Team!
PointKids Team
Team Vision
Children are important to Jesus, and they’re important to us too. PointKids is a growing ministry with lots of opportunity to get involved… reading stories, leading in song, drama, playing games or holding one of the babies just to name a few… were particularly looking for some help at the Sunday Morning Celebration from 10:30am contact the Team leader for more information.
As a team member you will help with one of the areas mentioned above.
ReachOut Team
Team Vision
To gather people through celebrations & promote The Point through loving and serving all.
Reach is a team that focuses on reaching out through celebrations, evangelism and care ministries. Reaching outside the church body. In our community we run and/or help out with activities like the Annual Easter Celebration, the Burnaby Mountain Community Festival and help the Scouts Community Clean up day. On the campus’ we help students move-in and make ourselves known at Student Services, Week of Welcomes and Clubs Days. Reach also facilitates and organizes the Alpha course and the Marriage Seminar in various communities. The annual Camp Qwanoes Work Weekend is also organized by this team.
As a team member you will serve by organizing and participating in some or all of the programs above while having a great time!