Marriage Preparation Course
What is the Marriage Preparation Course?
The Marriage Preparation Course is a series of five sessions to help engaged couples or those exploring the possibility of marriage, build strong foundations for their future together.
Designed for couples who are exploring the idea of getting married and for those who are already engaged. It’s designed for those who want to give their marriage the best possible start, whether they’re exploring marriage for the first time or have been married before.
The course is based on Christian principles but designed for all couples with or without a church background. You do not need to be getting married in a church to come on the course.
What Can I Expect?
On The Marriage Preparation Course, you and your partner are hosted by a married couple and seated near a few other engaged couples. Each couple’s discussions are completely private.
Each course is unique, but usually every session includes food, a practical talk, and a time for discussion between you and your partner. Background music ensures that you can chat in complete privacy. You will never be asked to share anything about your relationship with anyone other than your partner.
Prior to the start of the course or during the first few sessions, you may be sent a Couples Survey via email. This is a questionnaire and not a test of compatibility! It is designed to help you and your partner highlight issues that are important to discuss before getting married. It also affirms areas of strength in your relationship.
The Course at The Point
The course will be held online over two weekends. The evening of Friday March 19 and Saturday morning, followed by the next weekend with same times: March 26 and 27. Another one-on-one session will be booked with a support couple will be made to go over the survey with you both.
The course costs $100.00 per couple. This covers course materials, books, and snacks for the sessions. If a couple is unable to cover the fees, there is a bursary available by application. Please contact or for more information.